


真正極移(英語:True polar wander)是指一個固體的行星衛星,因對其自轉軸的旋轉,導致北極和南極的地理位置發生「漂移」。若物體是完全剛性的(地球不是),它最穩定的旋轉,是當它的最大慣性矩軸和自轉軸對齊,而兩個較小的慣性矩軸位於赤道平面內。如果星體不處於這種穩定狀態,就會發生真正極移:一個行星或衛星在這情況下會以剛體型旋轉,把最大慣性矩軸與自轉軸重新合齊[1]


地球的質量分佈不是球性對稱的,地球具有三種不同的轉動慣量。最大轉動慣量的軸與旋轉軸(穿過地理北極南極的軸)是密齊的。另外兩個軸在赤道附近。這類似於一塊磚,圍繞其最短尺寸的軸旋轉(當磚平放時為垂直軸)。但是,如果在赤道附近的兩個軸之一的轉動慣量,變得幾乎等於極軸的轉動慣量,則對物體(地球)方向的約束就會放鬆[2]。 這種情況就像橄欖球或美式足球圍繞穿過其「赤道」的軸旋轉(球的「赤道」並不對應於地球的赤道)。只有微小的擾動就可以移動足球,然後足球會圍繞另一個通過同一「赤道」 軸旋轉。同樣,一些因素也可以使地球(地殼地函)緩慢重新定向,一直到轉軸的新地理點移動到北極,並保持低慣性矩的軸在赤道附近[3]。 這種重新定向會改變地球上大多數點的緯度,其程度根據它們與赤道附近的不移動軸距離[4]








在地球的歷史中,已經發生過數次真正的極移案例。[8][9]有人認為,在大約 174 到 1.57 億年前,由於真正的極地漂移,使東亞向南移動了 25°[10]火星[11]歐羅巴土衛二也被認為經歷了真正的極移[12]天王星相對於黃道的極端傾斜並不是真正的極移(星體相對於其旋轉軸的移動),而是旋轉軸本身的大移動。這種軸轉移動被認為由於是數十億年前發生的一系列星體碰撞[13]


  1. ^ Philip, Kearey; Klepeis, Keith A.; Vine, Frederick J. (2009). Global tectonics (3rd ed.). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781405107778.。"True polar wander and supercontinents". Tectonophysics. 362 (1–4): 303–320. Bibcode:2003Tectp.362..303E. doi:10.1016/S0040-1951(02)000642-X. ISSN 0040-1951.
  2. ^ Evans, David A. (1998-04-15). "True polar wander, a supercontinental legacy". Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 157 (1–2): 1–8. Bibcode:1998E&PSL.157....1E. doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(98)00031-4. ISSN 0012-821X.
  3. ^ Vaes, B., Gallo, L. C., & van Hinsbergen, D. J. J. (2022). On pole position: Causes of dispersion of the paleomagnetic poles behind apparent polar wander paths. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, e2022JB023953. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JB023953
  4. ^ Steinberger, Bernhard; Trond H. Torsvik (2008-04-03). "Absolute plate motions and true polar wander in the absence of hotspot tracks". Nature. 452 (7187): 620–623. Bibcode:2008Natur.452..620S. doi:10.1038/nature06824. ISSN 0028-0836. PMID 18385737. S2CID 4344501.
  5. ^ Martin L. Smith, Wobble and nutation of the Earth, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 50, Issue 1, July 1977, Pages 103–140, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-246X.1977.tb01326.x
  6. ^ Besse, J., and Courtillot, V., Apparent and true polar wander and the geometry of the geomagnetic field over the last 200 Myr, J. Geophys. Res., 107( B11), 2300, doi:10.1029/2000JB000050, 2002.
  7. ^ David A.(1998)Evans,True polar wander, a supercontinental legacy,Earth and Planetary Science Letters,Volume 157, Issues 1–2,Pages 1-8,ISSN 0012-821X, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0012-821X(98)00031-4. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X98000314頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館))
  8. ^ Steinberger, Ross N.; Thissen, Christopher J.; Evans, David A. D.; Slotznick, Sarah P.; Coccioni, Rodolfo; Yamazaki, Toshitsugu; Kirschvink, Joseph L. (2008). "Absolute plate motions and true polar wander in the absence of hotspot tracks". Nature. 452 (7187): 620–623. Bibcode:2008Natur.452..620S. doi:10.1038/nature06824. PMID 18385737. S2CID 4344501.
  9. ^ Mitchell, Bernhard; Torsvik, Trond H. (2021). "A Late Cretaceous true polar wander oscillation". Nature Communications. 12 (1): 3629. Bibcode:2021NatCo..12.3629M. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-23803-8. PMC 8206135. PMID 34131126.
  10. ^ Zhiyu Yi; et al. (Oct 2019). "A true polar wander trigger for the Great Jurassic East Asian Aridification". Geology. 47 (12): 1112–1116. Bibcode:2019Geo....47.1112Y. doi:10.1130/G46641.1. S2CID 210309183.
  11. ^ Schultz, Peter H.; Anne B. Lutz (1988). "Polar wandering of Mars". Icarus. 73 (1): 91–141. Bibcode:1988Icar...73...91S. doi:10.1016/0019-1035(88)90087-5. ISSN 0019-1035
  12. ^ Ron Cowen (June 7, 2008). "A Shifty Moon". Science News. 173 (18). Archived from the original on March 23, 2012. Retrieved May 29, 2008.
  13. ^ Kate Taylor (October 11, 2011). "Tipped Over By Several Collisions". TG Daily. Archived from the original on January 26, 2012. Retrieved February 29, 2012.