





縮寫 拉丁文 中文 英文 注釋
aa ana 每,各 of each
AAA   用於治療部位 apply to affected area
a.c. ante cibum 飯前 before meals
a.d. auris dextra 右耳 right ear "a"形似"o",因此該詞可能被誤讀為"o.d.",即右眼
ad lib. ad libitum 隨意,任意量 use as much as one desires; freely
admov. admove 用於 apply
agit agita stir/shake
alt. h. alternis horis 每隔1小時;每2小時 every other hour 也寫作a.h.
a.m.m. ad manu medicae at doctors hand
a.m. ante meridiem 上午 morning, before noon
amp   安瓿 ampule
amt   數量 amount
aq aqua water
a.l., a.s. auris laeva, auris sinistra 左耳 left ear "a"形似"o",因此該詞可能被誤讀為"o.s."或"o.l.",即左眼
A.T.C.   晝夜不停,24小時連續 around the clock
a.u. auris utraque 雙耳 both ears "a"形似"o",因此該詞可能被誤讀為"o.u.",即雙眼
bis bis 兩次 twice
b.d./b.i.d. bis in die 每天兩次 twice daily
B.M.   排便 bowel movement
BNF   英國國家藥典 British National Formulary頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館
bol. bolus 大劑量給藥(通常是靜脈注射) as a large single dose (usually intravenously)
B.S.   血糖 blood sugar
B.S.A   體表面積 body surface areas
b.t. 就寢時間,臨睡前 bedtime 可能與 "b.i.d"(一日兩次)混淆
BUCC bucca 頰內 inside cheek
cap., caps. capsula 膠囊 capsule
c, c. cum 與...(常寫作c̄) with (usually written with a bar on top of the "c")
cib. cibus 食物 food
cc cum cibo 與食物(也用作表示毫升) with food, (but also cubic centimetre) 手寫體形似"U"(小寫),即單位。cc亦有立方厘米/毫升的意思;在這種情況下應使用"mL"或"milliliters"
cf   與食物 with food
comp.   複方 compound
cr., crm   乳膏;霜劑 cream
CST   繼續同樣治療 Continue same treatment
D 或 d   天,或者 劑 days or doses 存在歧義。

建議處方中寫明"days"(天) 或者 "doses"(劑)

D5W   5%葡萄糖溶液 dextrose 5% solution (sometimes written as D5W)
D5NS   含5%葡萄糖的生理鹽水 dextrose 5% in normal saline (0.9%)
D.A.W.   按所寫(醫囑)配藥 dispense as written (i.e., no generic substitution)
dc, D/C, disc   中斷 或 排出 discontinue or discharge 有歧義
dieb. alt. diebus alternis 每隔一天;每2天 every other day
dil.   稀釋的 dilute
disp.   配藥 dispersible or dispense
div.   分次...(服用) divide
dL 分升 deciliter
d.t.d. dentur tales doses 給予同劑量 give of such doses
DTO   去味鴉片酊劑 deodorized tincture of opium 很容易與「稀釋的鴉片酊劑」混淆,後者的強度是去味鴉片酊劑的1/25;可能導致藥物過量
D.W.   蒸餾水 distilled water
elix.   酏劑 elixir
e.m.p. ex modo prescripto 按照指示,按處方處理 as directed
emuls. emulsum 乳劑 emulsion
et et 並且 and
eod   每隔一天 every other day
ex aq ex aqua 水中 in water
fl., fld.   fluid
ft. fiat 任其發生,順其自然 make; let it be made
g   gram
gr   格令 grain
gtt(s) gutta(e) drop(s)
H   皮,皮下注射 hypodermic
h, hr hora 小時 hour
h.s. hora somni 就寢時 at bedtime
h.s 睡眠時 或 半強度 hour sleep or half-strength 存在歧義
ID   皮膚的 intradermal
IJ, inj injectio 注射 injection 易訛作"IV"(靜脈注射)
IM   肌肉注射 intramuscular (with respect to injections)
IN 鼻內 intranasal 易訛作"IM"(肌肉注射)或"IV"(靜脈注射)
IP   腹膜內的 intraperitoneal
IU 國際單位制 en:international unit 易訛作"IV"(靜脈注射),建議拼寫出"international unit"
IV   靜脈治療 intravenous
IVP   靜脈推注 intravenous push
IVPB   intravenous piggyback
kg   千克 kilogram
L.A.S.   label as such
LCD   煤焦油 coal tar solution
lin linimentum 搽劑 liniment
liq liquor 溶液,液體 solution
lot.   洗劑 lotion
MAE 活動四肢 Moves All Extremities
mane mane 晨時 in the morning
M. misce 混合 mix
m, min minimum 最小值 a minimum
mcg 微克 en:microgram 建議替換為"μg",因為該縮寫可能與「mg」(毫克)混淆
m.d.u. more dicto utendus 按照指示使用 to be used as directed
mEq   毫當量 milliequivalent
mg   毫克 milligram
mg/dL 毫克/分升 milligrams per deciliter
MgSO4 硫酸鎂 en:magnesium sulfate may be confused with "MSO4", spell out "magnesium sulfate"
mist. mistura 混合 mix
mitte mitte 發送 send
mL   毫升 millilitre
MS 硫酸嗎啡 或 硫酸鎂 en:morphine sulfate or en:magnesium sulfate can mean either morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate, spell out either
MSO4 硫酸嗎啡 en:morphine sulfate may be confused with "硫酸鎂", spell out "morphine sulfate"
nebul nebula 噴霧 a spray
N.M.T.   不超過 not more than
noct. nocte 夜裡 at night
non rep. non repetatur 不重複 no repeats
NPO nil per os 禁食英語Nothing by mouth,禁飲水 nothing by mouth
NS   生理鹽水 normal saline (0.9%)
1/2NS   半濃度生理鹽水 half normal saline (0.45%)
N.T.E.   不超過 not to exceed
o_2   雙眼 both eyes, sometimes written as o2
od omne in die 每天 every day/once daily (preferred to qd in the UK[2])
od oculus dexter 右眼 right eye "o"形似"a",因此該詞可能被誤讀為"a.d.",即右耳,confusion with omne in die
om omne mane 每天上午(晨時) every morning
on omne nocte 每夜 every night
o.p.d.   每天一次 once per day
o.s. oculus sinister 左眼 left eye "o"形似"a",因此該詞可能被誤讀為"a.s.",即左耳
o.u. oculus uterque 雙眼 both eyes "o"形似"a",因此該詞可能被誤讀為"a.u.",即雙耳
oz   盎司 en:ounce
per per 經;通過 by or through
p.c. post cibum 飯後 after meals
pig./pigm. pigmentum 塗劑 paint
p.m. post meridiem 下午與晚上 evening or afternoon
p.o. per os 經口,口服 by mouth or orally
p.r. per rectum 經直腸 by rectum
PRN, prn pro re nata 按需 as needed
pulv. pulvis 散劑 powder
PV per vaginam 經陰道 via the vagina
q quaque 每,各 every, per
q.a.d. quaque alternis die 每隔一天 every other day
q.a.m. quaque die ante meridiem 每天午前 every day before noon
q.d.s. quater die sumendus 每天四次 four times a day can be mistaken for "qd" (every day)
q.p.m. quaque die post meridiem 每天下午或每晚 every day after noon or every evening
q.h. quaque hora 每小時 every hour
q.h.s. quaque hora somni 每夜就寢時 every night at bedtime
q.1 h, q.1° quaque 1 hora 每小時(可用其它數字替換"1") every 1 hour; (can replace "1" with other numbers)
q.d., q1d quaque die 每天 every day mistaken for "QOD" or "qds," spell out "every day" or "daily"
q.i.d. quater in die 每天四次 four times a day can be mistaken for "qd" or "qod," write out "four times a day"
q4PM 下午4時 at 4pm mistaken to mean every four hours
q.o.d. quaque ommi die 每隔一天;每兩天 every other day mistaken for "QD," spell out "every other day"
qqh quater quaque hora 每四小時 every four hours
q.s. quantum sufficiat 足夠量 a sufficient quantity
QWK 每周 every week
R   直腸 rectal
rep., rept. repetatur 重複 repeats
RL, R/L   乳酸林格氏液 en:Ringer's lactate
s sine 沒有... without (usually written with a bar on top of the "s")
s.a. secundum artem 按常規 according to the art (accepted practice); use your judgement
SC, subc, subcut, subq, SQ   皮下 subcutaneous "SC" can be mistaken for "SL," meaning sublingual; "SQ" can be mistaken for "5Q" meaning five every dose
s.i.d/SID semel in die 每天一次 once a day used exclusively in veterinary medicine
sig signa write on label
SL   舌下 sublingually, under the tongue
sol solutio 溶液 solution
s.o.s., si op. sit si opus sit 需要時 if there is a need
ss semis one half or sliding scale mistaken for "55" or "1/2"
SSI, SSRI sliding scale insulin or sliding scale regular en:insulin mistaken to mean "strong en:solution of en:iodine" or "en:selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor"
SNRI (antidepressant) 5-羥色胺/去甲腎上腺素再攝取抑制劑(抗抑鬱) Serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
SSRI (antidepressant) 抗抑鬱的選擇性5-羥色胺再吸收抑制劑 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (a specific class of antidepressant)
stat statim 立即 immediately
SubQ 皮下 subcutaneously
supp suppositorium 栓劑 en:suppository
susp   混懸劑 suspension
syr syrupus 糖漿劑 syrup
tab tabella 片劑 tablet
tal., t talus such
tbsp   湯匙 en:tablespoon
troche trochiscus 錠劑 lozenge
t.d.s. ter die sumendum 每天三次 three times a day
t.i.d. ter in die 每天三次 three times a day
t.i.w.   每周三次 three times a week mistaken for twice a week
top.   局部的 topical
T.P.N.   全腸外營養 en:total parenteral nutrition
tr, tinc., tinct.   酊劑 tincture
tsp   1茶匙(約5毫升) en:teaspoon
U 度量單位 unit mistaken for a "4", "0" or "cc", spell out "unit"
u.d., ut. dict. ut dictum 作為指示 as directed
ung. unguentum 軟膏 ointment
U.S.P.   美國藥典 en:United States Pharmacopoeia
vag   陰道的 vaginally
w   with
w/a   醒時 while awake
wf   與食物 with food (with meals)
w/o   沒有... without
X   次數 times
Y.O.   年齡 years old
μg 微克 en:microgram mistaken for "mg", meaning en:milligram


符號 拉丁文 中文 英文 注釋
@ at mistaken for "2"; spell out "at"
> 大於 greater than mistaken for a "7"
< 小於 less than mistaken for an "L"
recipe 處方 take, take this, or take thus




  1. ^ Johnston, Mike. The pharmacy technician series:Fundamentals of pharmacy practice. Pearson Prentice Hall. 2006: 24. ISBN 9780131147515. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-05). 
  2. ^ BNF (British National Formulary頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)) - published twice yearly by the British Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
