



  • "Everyone returned to their seats."[1]
  • "Somebody left their umbrella in the office. Would they please collect it."[2]
  • "If a person doesn't want to go on living, they are often very difficult to help."[2]
  • "The patient should be told at the outset how much they will be required to pay."[3]
  • "But a journalist should not be forced to reveal their sources."[3]


這種用法的一個原因是英語沒有專用於不確定性別的單數人稱代詞。 有些情況,這種用法可以被解釋為一種名義約定,因為如everyone之類的單詞,雖然在語法上是單數形式,但事實上卻是複數的意義。 這種用法逐漸變多的一個原因可能是20世紀的性別包容語言運動,但是它已經被有影響力的作家使用了好幾個世紀。



主格 賓格 形容詞性物主代詞 名詞性物主代詞 反身代詞
He He laughs. I hug him. His hair grows. I use his. He feeds himself.
She She laughs. I hug her. Her hair grows. I use hers. She feeds herself.
原型they When I tell my children a joke they laugh. Whether they win or lose, I hug them. As long as people live, their hair grows. Most of my friends have cell phones, so I use theirs. The children feed themselves.
單數they When I tell someone a joke they laugh. When I greet a friend I hug them. When someone does not get a haircut, their hair grows long. If my mobile phone runs out of power, a friend lets me borrow theirs. Each child feeds themself.(不規範)
性別通用he When I tell someone a joke he laughs. When I greet a friend I hug him. When someone does not get a haircut, his hair grows long. If my mobile phone runs out of power, a friend lets me borrow his. Each child feeds himself.

單數they與「正常」的複數they有相同的詞形變化形式,即them和their。它們通常都使用相同的動詞形式,也就是說「when I tell someone a joke they laughs」是不規範的。

反身代詞themselves有時也被使用,但是還有一個可選的反身代詞形式themself。雖然themself有歷史悠久並且在20世紀80年代復活了,但是它還是依然較少使用,並且只被少數人認可。[4][5][6] 它在指代性別不明的單個人的時候有時使用,因為這時候複數形式themselves看起來不協調,例如

  • "It is not an actor pretending to be Reagan or Thatcher, it is, in grotesque form, the person themself."—Hislop (1984);[7]引自 Fowler's[8]


  • "Where a recipient of an allowance under section 4 absents themself from Canada [...]"—War Veterans Allowance Act, section 14.[9]
  • "[...] the following conditions are imposed on a person or group of persons in respect of whom a deposit is required: [...] to present themself or themselves at the time and place that an officer or the Immigration Division requires them to appear to comply with any obligation imposed on them under the Act."—Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, section 48.[10]



早在14世紀的中古英語,they就一直被用於單數形式。[11][12] 在許多知名作家的著作中都能看來這種用法,包括傑弗里·喬叟威廉·莎士比亞簡·奧斯丁威廉·梅克比斯·薩克雷蕭伯納

  • "And whoso fyndeth hym out of swich blame,
They wol come up . . ."
—Chaucer, The Pardoner's Prologue (c. 1395);[13] 引用自Jespersen在《Merriam-Webster's Concise Dictionary of English Usage》。[14]
  • " 'Tis meet that some more audience than a mother, since nature makes them partial, should o'erhear the speech."— Shakespeare, Hamlet (1599);[15]引用自《Merriam-Webster's Concise Dictionary of English Usage》。[16]
  • "If a person is born of a . . . gloomy temper . . . they cannot help it."— Chesterfield, 《Letter to his son》 (1759);[17]引用自《Fowler's》。[18]
  • "Now nobody does anything well that they cannot help doing"— Ruskin, 《The Crown of Wild Olive》 (1866);[19]引用自《Fowler's》。[18]
  • "Nobody in their senses would give sixpence on the strength of a promissory note of the kind."— Bagehot, 《The Liberal Magazine》 (1910);[20]引用自《Fowler's》。[21]
  • "I would have every body marry if they can do it properly."— Austen, 《Mansfield Park》 (1814);[22]引用自《Merriam-Webster's Concise Dictionary of English Usage》。[14]
  • Caesar: "No, Cleopatra. No man goes to battle to be killed."
Cleopatra: "But they do get killed"
Shaw, Caesar and Cleopatra (1901);[23]引用自《Merriam-Webster's Concise Dictionary of English Usage》。[16]
  • "A person can't help their birth."— W. M. Thackeray, Vanity Fair (1848);[24]引用自《Merriam-Webster's Concise Dictionary of English Usage》。[14]


  • "Suppose the life and fortune of every one of us would depend on his winning or losing a game of chess."— Thomas Huxley, A Liberal Education (1868);[26]引自Baskervill.[27]
  • "If any one did not know it, it was his own fault."— George Washington Cable, Old Creole Days (1879);[28]引自Baskervill.[27]
  • "No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality."— Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).[29]


  • "A person can't help their birth."—Rosalind in W. M. Thackeray, Vanity Fair (1848);[24]引用自《牛津英語詞典》於Curzan在《Gender Shifts in the History of English》。[30]

  • "Every person who turns this page has his own little diary."— W. M. Thackeray, On Lett's Diary (1869);[31]引用自Baskervill, 《An English Grammar》。[32]


  • "Eche of theym sholde . . . make theymselfe redy."— Caxton, 《Sonnes of Aymon》 (c. 1489)[33]


  • "Who of thise wormes shall be byten, He must have triacle; Yf not that, he shall deye."— Caxton, 《Dialogues in French and English》 (c. 1483).[34]


在非正式英語中使用he而非they的用法的倡導,可以在18世紀中葉找到,在Ann Fisher英語Ann Fisher的《A New Grammar》中寫道:

性別通用名使用陽性,可以理解為男性與女性,正如any Person who knows what he says [35] (引自Ostade[36])

1895年的語法(Baskervill, W.M.與Sewell, J.W.的《An English Grammar for the Use of High School, Academy and College Class》)標記了單數they的通用的用法,但是推薦用性別通用he,基於數協議:

指代前面出現過的泛指代詞[例如everybody]或者被泛指形容詞修飾的名詞的另一種方法,是在後面使用複數代詞。這並不是最好的用法,邏輯上顯然需要使用單數代詞,但是這種結構經常出現於前面說的包括或隱射兩個性別。陽性詞並不能表示陰性,並且應該避免 his or her 的表示法,因為很笨重.

——Baskervill,An English Grammar[37]


  • "Every one must judge according to their own feelings."— Byron, Werner (1823),[38] quoted as "Every one must judge of [sic] their own feelings."[37]
  • "Had the Doctor been contented to take my dining tables as any body in their senses would have done . . ."— Austen, Mansfield Park (1814);[39] [37]
  • "If the part deserve any comment, every considering Christian will make it to themselves as they go . . ."— Defoe, The Family Instructor (1816);[40] [37]
  • "Every person's happiness depends in part upon the respect they meet in the world . . ."— Paley,[41] [37]


[. . .] 當前面說的包括男性與女性的時候,或者是一個泛指性的單詞的時候,最好的方法是後續代詞使用陽性單數代詞 [. . .]

—Baskervill, An English Grammar[32]



  • 兩性的不確定的人:
    • "the ideal that every boy and girl should be so equipped that he shall not be handicapped in his struggle for social progress . . ."— C.C. Fries, American English Grammar, (1940).[44]
  • 兩性的已知的人:
    • "She and Louis had a game—who could find the ugliest photograph of himself."— Joseph P. Lash, Eleanor and Franklin (1971)[45]
  • 或者明顯可以假設為女人的不確定的人:
    • ". . . everyone will be entitled to decide for himself whether or not to have an abortion."— Albert Bleumenthal, N.Y. State Assembly (1975).[46]


當代著作在指代性別通用或不確定的前面出現的詞的時候,有時還是可以看到使用he。 有時指代的人幾乎可以確定為男的,例如

  • "The patient should be informed of his therapeutic options."— 關於前列腺癌的文本 (2004)[47]


  • "It wouldn't be as if the lone astronaut would be completely by himself." (2008)[48]
  • "Kitchen table issues . . . are ones the next president can actually do something about if he actually cares about it. More likely if she cares about it!"— Hillary Rodham Clinton (2008)[49]


  • 一個不確定的人,兩個性別都有可能:
    • "Now, a writer is entitled to have a Roget on his desk."—Barzun (1985);[50] quoted in Merriam-Webster's Concise Dictionary of English Usage[14]
    • "They ‧ re going to appoint a new manager. Well I hope he does a better job than the present one."[51]
    • "A Member of Parliament should always live in his constituency."[51]


" . . . 當不定代詞在前面使用時,需要一個單數的主格、賓格與物主代詞 . . ."
  • "Everyone did as he pleased" . . .
非正式: Somebody should let you borrow their book.
正式: Somebody should let you borrow his book."
 —Choy, Basic Grammar and Usage[52]



爭論點是he不能明智地作為性別通用代詞,包括男人與女人。 William Safire在他的《紐約時報》的 On Language 專欄上贊同了性別通用he,提及口訣「男性包羅女性」。[55] Brooklyn的C. Adendyck對《紐約時報》寫了一個回覆:

"The average American needs the small routines of getting ready for work. As he shaves or blow-dries his hair or pulls on his panty-hose, he is easing himself by small stages into the demands of the day."

——C. Badendyck [sic],New York Times (1985)
[56] 引自 Miller 和 Swift.[57]





自從20世紀60年代以來,在書面語和口語中使用陽性通用名詞和代詞的頻率就在一減少。[59]20世紀90年代在澳大利亞收集的自發講話語料庫中,單數they變最頻繁使用的通用代詞。[59]單數they的使用上升的原因,至少是部分原因,是性別中性語言的使用的增長。一百年前的作者用he作為不確定性別的指代時可能沒有顧慮,但是如今的作者經常會感覺這麼用不自在。在正式場合的一種方案通常是寫he or she或者其它類似的,但是過度使用這種方式感覺很彆扭,或者感覺很政治正確,或者都有。[60]

當代用法中,單數they常被用於指定性別不確定的先行詞,至少有一些人這麼用,例如當先行詞的性別或數量不確定、未知或未揭露的時候。 例子包括不同類型的用法。



  • 先行詞為everybodyeveryone等等:
    • "Everybody was crouched behind the furniture to surprise me, and they tried to. But I already knew they were there." Garner提供的例子。[61]
    • "Everyone promised to behave themselves." Huddleston等人提供的例子。[3]
    • "Everyone returned to their seats." Pinker提供的例子。[1]
  • 先行詞為nobodyno one
    • "Nobody was late, were they?" Swan提供的例子。[2]
    • "No one put their hand up." Huddleston等人提供的例子。[62]
    • "No one felt they had been misled." Huddleston等人提供的例子。[3]
  • 先行詞為somebodysomeone
    • "I feel that if someone is not doing their job it should be called to their attention." —— 一份美國的報紙(1984),Fowler引用。[63]
  • 先行詞為anybodyanyone:
    • "If anyone tells you that America's best days are behind her, then they're looking the wrong way." 喬治·布殊總統, 1991年國情咨文;[64] quoted by Garner[65]
    • "Anyone can set themselves up as an acupuncturist."——Sarah Lonsdale "Sharp Practice Pricks Reputation of Acupuncture." 《觀察者》1991年12月15日,Garner引用。[65]
    • "If anybody calls, take their name and ask them to call again later." Swan提供的例子。[2]
  • 甚至在性別已知或者可以假定的情況下:
    • "Under new rules to be announced tomorrow, it will be illegal for anyone to donate an organ to their wife." Ballantyne, "Transplant Jury to Vet Live Donors", 《星期日泰晤士報》(倫敦)1990年3月25日,Garner引用。[65] (1990年,妻子可以假定為女性)
  • 先行詞為疑問代詞:
    • "Who thinks they can solve the problem?". Huddleston等人提供的例子, 《劍橋英語語法》(The Cambridge Grammar of the English language)。[66]



  • 先詞先為名詞(例如person、student或patient),泛稱使用(例如表示這個類型中的任意一位成員的含義的時候,或者筆者不知道指定的某一個成員)
    • ". . . if the child possesses the nationality or citizenship of another country, they may lose this when they get a British passport." 來自英國護照申請表,Swan引用。[2]
    • "cognitive dissonance: "a concept in psychology [that] describes the condition in which a person's attitudes conflict with their behaviour"——《麥克米倫商業管理學詞典》(Macmillan Dictionary of Business and management) (1988年版), Garner引用。[65]
    • "A starting point would be to give more support to the company secretary. They are, or should be, privy to the confidential deliberations and secrets of the board and the company.— Ronald Severn. "Protecting the Secretary Bird". 《金融時報》,1992年1月6日,Garner引用。[65]
  • 先行詞代表前面提及的一類人的泛稱,並且是單數形式
    • "I had to decide: Is this person being irrational or is he right? Of course, they were often right."——Robert Burchfield,《美國新聞與世界報道》(U.S. News & World Report),1986年8月11日,《韋氏簡明英語用法詞典》(Merriam-Webster's Concise Dictionary of English Usage)引用[14]
  • 甚至指代的一類人是已知性別的,有時也用they[67]
    • "I swear more when I'm talking to a boy, because I'm not afraid of shocking them" 引自一個訪談[2]
    • "No mother should be forced to testify against their child".
  • They也可以用於混合性別的先行詞:
    • "Let me know if your father or your mother changes their mind." Huddleston提供的例子。[3]
    • "Either the husband or the wife has perjured themself."這裏themself被部分人接受,themselves似乎不那麼被接受,himself是不可接受的。Huddleston等人提供的例子。[3]
  • 甚至對於確定的已知性別的已知的人,they也可以用於忽略或隱藏性別。
    • "I had a friend in Paris, and they had to go to hospital for a month."(確定的人,但沒指明身份)[2]
  • themself一詞有時也被使用:
    • "Someone has apparently locked themself in the office."[接受度值得懷疑][3]



雖然性別通用he和性別通用they作為單數代詞使用有很長的一段歷史了,並且它們至今都依然還在使用中,但是它們還是一直被部分人群系統化地避免使用。[68] 防止表述偏袒任何一方的風格指引有時建議把這些通用的表達重新表述為複數形式來避免被任何一方指責。

單數they的使用在英國英語中比在美國英語中更加被廣泛接受[69] or vice versa. [70]

一性用法指引我們接受被建議they的單數用法並不是僅僅是用於語義複數的單數詞例如everyone,而且也用於前面指代的不確定的「個人」,這些用法的例子甚至常出現在正式演講中。例如,Casey Miller和Kate Swift,在《無性別歧視寫作手冊》(The Handbook of Non-Sexist Writing), Ronald Reagan引用:

  • "You must identify the person who has the power to hire you and show them how your skills can help them with their problems."[71]









複數代詞they用於指代單數先行詞的用法逐漸增多,一些研究嘗試斷定這種用法會不會讓理解變得更「困難」。 此研究之一是,《性別中性搜尋:單數they是對性別通用he在認識上的一個高效替代嗎?》Foertsch與Gernsbacher著,他們發現「單數they是對性別通用he或she在認識上的一個高效替代,尤其是當先行詞沒有明確所指的時候」(例如anybody或者a nurse),而很少用於指代確定的一個人的時候(例如a runner I knew或者my nurse)。單數they的語句讀起來「就像包含了先行詞具有常規性別映像對應的有性代詞的語句一樣快」(例如護士用she,卡車司機用he),並且「比包含了與先行詞常規性別映像的性別相反有性代詞語句更快」(例如護士用he,卡車司機用she)。[94]





  1. ^ "Either the plural or the singular may be acceptable for a true bound pronoun. . . .": "Every student thinks she / they is / are smart."[91]
  2. ^ The more usual case, where the pronoun follows the antecedent, it is called a retrospective anaphor. The less usual case, where the pronoun precedes the antecedent (as in the sentence "When he saw the damage, the headmaster called the police.") [example from cited source] is called an anticipatory anaphor. Some writers use the term anaphor only for retrospective anaphors and use the term cataphor for anticipatory anaphors. The word endophor may also be used for both.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Pinker 1995,第378頁.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Swan 2009,§528.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Huddleston & Pullum 2002,第493頁.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Huddleston & Pullum 2002,第494頁.
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Huddleston 2005,第104頁.
  6. ^ Fowler 1996,第777頁.
  7. ^ Hislop 1984,第23頁.
  8. ^ Fowler 1996,第776, themself頁.
  9. ^ Canadian government 2013,第18頁.
  10. ^ Canadian government 2014,第48頁.
  11. ^ Huddleston & Pullum 2002,第493–494頁.
  12. ^ American Heritage Dictionaries 1996,第178頁.
  13. ^ Chaucer 1395,第195頁.
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Merriam-Webster 2002,第734頁.
  15. ^ Shakespeare 1599,第105頁.
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Merriam-Webster 2002,第735頁.
  17. ^ Chesterfield 1759,第568頁.
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Fowler 1996,第779頁.
  19. ^ Ruskin 1866,第44頁.
  20. ^ Bagehot 1910.
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Fowler 1926,第648頁.
  22. ^ Austen 1814,第37頁.
  23. ^ Shaw 1901,第67頁.
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Thackeray 1868,第66頁.
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 Fowler 1996,第358頁.
  26. ^ Huxley 1868.
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 Baskervill 1895,§409.
  28. ^ Cable 1879.
  29. ^ UNO 1948.
  30. ^ Curzan 2003,第77頁.
  31. ^ Thackeray 1869,第189頁.
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 Baskervill 1895,§410.
  33. ^ Caxton 1489,第39頁.
  34. ^ Caxton 1483,第11頁.
  35. ^ Fisher 1750.
  36. ^ Ostade 2000.
  37. ^ 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 Baskervill 1895,§411.
  38. ^ Byron 1823,第vi頁.
  39. ^ Austen 1860,第195頁.
  40. ^ Defoe 1816,第200頁.
  41. ^ Paley 1825,第200頁.
  42. ^ Miller & Swift 1995,第46頁.
  43. ^ Warenda 1993,第101頁.
  44. ^ Fries 1969,第215頁.
  45. ^ Lash 1981,第454頁.
  46. ^ Bleumenthal 1975.
  47. ^ Weiss, Kaplan & Fair 2004,第147頁.
  48. ^ Atkinson 2008.
  49. ^ Spillius 2008.
  50. ^ Barzun 1985.
  51. ^ 51.0 51.1 Huddleston & Pullum 2002,第492頁.
  52. ^ Choy & Clark 2010,第213頁.
  53. ^ 53.0 53.1 Miller & Swift 1995,第1–9頁.
  54. ^ Miller & Swift 1995,第11–61頁.
  55. ^ Safire 1985,第46–47頁.
  56. ^ Adendyck 1985.
  57. ^ Miller & Swift 1995,第46–47頁.
  58. ^ CNN 2014.
  59. ^ 59.0 59.1 Pauwels 2003,第563頁.
  60. ^ Matossian 1997.
  61. ^ Garner 2003,第643頁.
  62. ^ Huddleston & Pullum 2002,第1458頁.
  63. ^ Fowler 1996,第776頁.
  64. ^ Bush 1991,第101頁.
  65. ^ 65.0 65.1 65.2 65.3 65.4 Garner 2003,第175頁.
  66. ^ Huddleston & Pullum 2002,第1473頁.
  67. ^ Newman 1998.
  68. ^ 68.0 68.1 Chicago 2010,§5.222.
  69. ^ 69.0 69.1 69.2 Garner 2003,第718頁.
  70. ^ 70.0 70.1 Quirk et al. 1985,第770頁.
  71. ^ Miller & Swift 1995,第50頁.
  72. ^ Garner 2003,第174頁.
  73. ^ Garner 2003,第643–644頁.
  74. ^ Chicago 1993,第76–77頁.
  75. ^ Chicago 2010,§5.46.
  76. ^ American Heritage Dictionaries 1996,第178–179頁.
  77. ^ APA 2001,第47頁.
  78. ^ Strunk & White 1979,第60頁.
  79. ^ Williams 2008,第23–25頁.
  80. ^ Fowler 1992,第354頁.
  81. ^ PurdueOWL.
  82. ^ Fowler 1965,第635頁.
  83. ^ Gowers 1973,第140頁.
  84. ^ Gowers 2014,第210–213頁.
  85. ^ 85.0 85.1 85.2 Peters 2004,第538頁.
  86. ^ Economist 2010,第117頁.
  87. ^ OUP 2012,第27頁.
  88. ^ Washington Post 2011.
  89. ^ Federation Press 2014.
  90. ^ Pinker 1995,第370–403頁.
  91. ^ Huang 2009,第144頁.
  92. ^ 92.0 92.1 92.2 92.3 Huddleston & Pullum 2002,第1455–1456頁.
  93. ^ Merriam-Webster 2002,第736頁.
  94. ^ Foertsch & Gernsbacher 1997.


quoted in Reader' Digest, 1983, as an example of its awkwardness when referring to both sexes.

