


取消编程(英语:Deprogramming)指的是声称可以帮助[1]拥有“具争议性”的信仰系统的人改变信仰并放弃对与该信仰系统相关的宗教、政治、经济或社会团体的忠诚的措施[2][3];然而这种措施因为涉及人权侵犯之故而引发许多争议。发明取消编程这做法的反邪教人士泰德·派屈克(Ted Patrick)本人曾多次因取消编程而受指控并入狱。


在1991年,美国邪教专家瑞克·阿兰·罗斯因为和两名助手一起对一个名叫杰森·史考特(Jason Scott)的国际联合五旬节会成员强制实行取消编程之故,而面临诉讼,[9]尽管陪审团最后决定无罪释放瑞克·阿兰·罗斯,[10][9]但这诉讼导致了875,000美元的损害赔偿,而邪教认知网络英语Cult Awareness Network必须支付1,000,000美元的惩罚性赔偿,瑞克·阿兰·罗斯个人更必须支付2,500,000美元的惩罚性赔偿,而两名助手也各需支付250,000美元的惩罚性赔偿。这判决使得邪教认知网络破产,而这判决标志著北美洲新兴宗教运动及基督教反邪教运动(Christian countercult movement)的分水岭。[11][12]对于此案件,宗教学者约翰·高登·梅尔敦曾下过诸如“这案件使得这国家(指美国)的取消编程活动宣告终止”[注 1]和“这判决的结果……使得取消编程活动得以继续的交通线被切断”[注 2]等的评语。[13]详情可见杰森·史考特案英语Jason Scott case一文的说明。



  1. ^ 原文:“The Scott case virtually brought deprogramming to a halt in this country”
  2. ^ 原文:“What this judgment does ... is cut the communication lines that allow deprogramming to go forward”


  1. ^ Melton, J. Gordon. New Religious Movements 1. New York, NY: Routledge. 1999: 218. ISBN 0-415-20049-0. 
  2. ^ Encyclopedia of religion, Volume 4 , Lindsay Jones, Macmillan Reference USA, 2005, pages 2291-2293
  3. ^ Children held hostage: dealing with programmed and brainwashed children, American Bar Association archive publications, Authors Stanley S. Clawar, Brynne V. Rivlin, American Bar Association. Section of Family Law Publisher Section of Family Law, American Bar Association, 1991 ISBN 0-89707-628-1, ISBN 978-0-89707-628-9, pages 142-144
  4. ^ the definition of deprogram. Dictionary.com. [2017-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2017-02-02). 
  5. ^ Patrick, Ted; Dulack, Tom. Let Our Children Go!. E. P. Dutton. 1976. ISBN 0-525-14450-1. Deprogramming is the term, and it may be said to involve kidnapping at the very least, quite often assault and battery, almost invariably conspiracy to commit a crime, and illegal restraint. 
  6. ^ Hunter, Howard O.; Price, Polly J. Regulation of religious proselytism in the United States (PDF). Brigham Young University Law Review. 2001, 2001 (2) [2020-03-06]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2011-07-19). 
  7. ^ Ted Patrick Convicted of Seizing Woman Said to Have Joined Cult; Escaped From Abductors. The New York Times. August 30, 1980. 
  8. ^ Ikemoto, Keiko; Nakamura, Masakazu. Forced deprogramming from a religion and mental health: A case report of PTSD. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 2004, 27 (2): 147–155. doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2004.01.005. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Haines, Thomas W. 'Deprogrammer' Taken To Court -- Bellevue Man Claims Kidnap, Coercion. The Seattle Times. September 21, 1995 [2021-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2012-08-26). 
  10. ^ 'Cult Buster' Acquitted In Abduction. The Seattle Times. January 19, 1994 [January 8, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-29). 
  11. ^ Gallagher, Eugene V.; Ashcraft, W. Michael. Introduction to New and Alternative Religions in America. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group. 2006: 139. ISBN 0-275-98712-4. 
  12. ^ Kaplan, Jeffrey. The fall of the wall?. Nova Religio: 139–149. [2009-01-15]. doi:10.1525/nr.1997.1.1.139. (原始内容存档于2012-02-15). 
  13. ^ Cult fighters' future in doubt; lawsuits: Group with controversial ties to deprogrammers files for bankruptcy and may be forced to shut down in wake of $1-million judgment. (1996, Jun 29). Los Angeles Times